Pit Stop No7: Women In Mining

Women In Mining or WIM is an international community composed of men and women working in the mineral and mining industry. The mining sector faces many challenges including a shortage of skilled labor. Attracting and retaining women within the mining workforce may be the best solution to this crisis. It is WIM’s role to encourage young women to join the mining industry and help established professionals connect and navigate their way through a successful career in the mineral sector.

WIM Canada strives to ensure a movement of professionals committed to bringing about a sustainable minerals industry in Canada. WIM Canada engages its members through mentorship, networking, educational forums, advocacy, debates and industry speaking opportunities. The mineral and mining sector is one of the most important sectors to the Canadian economy; it is one of WIM’s roles to improve the general public’s perception of this needed economy.

Women In Mining Canada hosted an industry speaking panel at the 23rd World Mining Congress.

Women In Mining Canada hosted an industry speaking panel at the 23rd World Mining Congress.

As an active member of this community, I try to take part to as many WIM events as I can; it is a great occasion to meet new industry professionals. The Montreal branch of WIM Canada regularly organizes luncheons that gather about forty members in Down Town Montreal (men are welcome too!) Each lunch is then followed by a presentation from one or two female professionals on their career path. These women are leaders in the industry and are willing to share their experiences with us. These meetings are also a fantastic opportunity to network and make some industry contacts.

If you are a student in mining or a professional working in the industry, I strongly encourage you to join this vibrant community and learn how you can contribute to better the perception of women working in the mining industry and what this community can do to improve you career path.

N.B: To receive updates, news and inspiring stories of women in mining follow the international Women In Mining community’s blog here.